
Wellbeing and Engagement


Hampton Park Primary is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment.  The physical and psychological wellbeing of our students is of utmost importance.


The school recognizes that students reach their full educational potential when they are happy, healthy and safe, and when there is a positive school culture to engage and support them in their learning.


The school fosters an environment in which the students have respect for themselves and others, taking responsibility for their behaviour.


The students agree to work in line with the school’s values – Respect, Co-operation, Friendliness, Equality and Best Effort.


As part of the Student Wellbeing Program our whole school community actively acknowledges and works to develop the children’s understanding of a broad range of initiatives and programs. The following programs help to ground our work in Wellbeing and Student Engagement:


  • Be You
  • Bounce Back
  • Respectful Relationships


Bounce Back

As part of our commitment to Kids Matter 澳门彩历史开奖结果 implements the Bounce Back Program from Prep to Grade 6.  Bounce Back is a preventative whole school social and emotional learning program.  Social and emotional learning is the process through which children acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills to:

  • recognise and manage their emotions
  • set and achieve positive goals
  • demonstrate caring and concern for others
  • establish and maintain positive relationships
  • manage difficult situations and times resiliently
  • make responsible decisions

The program has been developed to support schools and teachers in their efforts to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in their students and to enable students to act resiliently when faced with challenges and adversity.


The program focuses on classroom strategies and activities that teach students positive social and emotional skills that may be best described as ‘life skills’.  The aim of the program is to teach coping skills to help children respond positively to the complexities of their everyday lives, in other words, children are taught how to ‘bounce back’ after experiencing sadness, difficulties, frustrations and hard times.


Each week the whole school will focus on a specific ‘life skill’ and teachers will plan engaging activities to explicitly teach these skills during a formal teaching session.  It is hoped that by upskilling our children during formal teaching sessions they will be more confident to transfer their knowledge, attitudes and skills into day to day life.


Respectful Relationships

Following the Royal Commission into Family Violence in 2015 the Victorian Government mandated the teaching of Respectful Relationships education in all Victorian schools.  澳门彩历史开奖结果 is a partner school in this initiative and we are working closely with Lead Schools in our network during the implementation process. 


At 澳门彩历史开奖结果 Respectful Relationships education, it is taught as part of our SEL Program (Social and Emotional Learning).  Its content aims to educate students from Foundation to Level 6 about respectful relationships, gender differences and family violence.  This initiative aims to:

  • Promote respectful relationships across the whole school community
  • Teach equality and supports boys and girls to build healthy relationships
  • Foster a resilient mindset in children. This helps them to face challenges by developing problem solving skills, confidence and empathy
  • Develop engaged learners